Supplies & Services Offering Bactakleen Antibacterial Science in Queens Amid COVID-19


With a potential second lockdown looming, citizens and Queens-based businesses are turning to Bactakleen science to protect their private residences and establishments.

“I was getting constant inquiries about disinfecting and protecting homes and offices,” said Supplies & Services owner, Mike Filacouris. “I did my research and partnered with Bactakleen to provide a safe and non-invasive service to the community.”

Bactakleen is now offering the world’s first 2-in-1 anti-bacterial treatment system that effectively kills 99.9% of the germs and bacteria inside your vehicle, bedroom, office, toilets and kitchen. This revolutionary new treatment will kill any bacteria, mould or fungi hiding deep inside your air conditioning system and thriving in nearly impossible to reach nooks and crannies of your home or vehicle’s interior. Contact surfaces will be cleaned and treated in critical areas such as: homes (bedrooms, toilets, living room and kitchen), offices (conference rooms, office rooms, kitchen, pantry and toilets, building wall exteriors), restaurants (kitchen, toilets and dining areas), hotels (bedrooms, common areas, lobby and toilets), schools (classrooms, library, toilets, cafeteria and playground), shopping malls (toilets, common areas), hospitals and clinics (toilets, surgical theatre, treatment rooms, recovery rooms).

“We’re all about protecting people from harmful bacteria and providing a resource that helps keep businesses stay open as we get control over COVID-19,” Filacrouis said.

Contact Mike at 646-302-8906 or via Instagram @suppliesandservices 


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