Devastation in St. John’s Cemetery

Oddly enough I’ve always found cemeteries to be peaceful places. I like to wander around inside them, reading the tombstones, wondering about who that person might have been. I feel like there is nothing to fear from a bunch of buried dead people. If a zombie uprising happens to occur and I’m standing in a cemetery then I’ll start to worry, but until that happens I actually find them strangely beautiful.

The photos below were taken by Annalisa Iadicicco and sent to me. I find them rather beautiful but sad. The earth here was destroyed, shaken and now St. John’s Cemetery seems to be distressed. Nothing is at peace in a place that is all about finding eternal peace.

Everything is so out of balance. Believe me I understand that it’s that way for the living right now, but it still makes me sad. I hate seeing my neighborhood covered with natural debris. Mother nature, I’d like a break please.

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